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Partnering with NuaTree

You might have seen our recent announcements regarding a “partnership” with an organisation called NuaTree and been wondering what it was all about. 

At Emerald Heritage we love helping Irish, past, present, and sons and daughters of ancestors, celebrate and reconnect with their Irish heritage with a little plot of the Emerald Isle and a fun title alongside it.

However, we have always wanted to give back to the local landscape in any way possible. The first step in this process was ensuring that every plot of Emerald Heritage land sold would be forever saved from a developer’s digger, meaning the landscape will remain in its natural, untouched state as intended.

The second step in the process is where NuaTree comes in…

Who are NuaTree?

NuaTree are an ethical not-for-profit organisation based in Ireland created with the sole focus of improving the native Irish landscape and ecosystem.

This improvement will come through the reforestation of Ireland with a lush native woodland specifically selected to be as beneficial to the local area and surrounding rural communities as possible. 

Nua Tree Logo

What Do They Do?

Thankfully NuaTree’s mission and activities are simple and easy to understand for those of us who aren’t conservation or ecological experts… 

Put simply, NuaTree partner with a range of different organisations and bodies to reforest Ireland with carefully selected native woodland designed to benefit carbon storage, encourage greater wildlife activity and biodiversity and to create a sustainable resource that’s widely available to the local rural communities in the area.  

All of this is of crucial importance to Ireland because the Emerald Isle’s famous landscape has been pillaged and destroyed over hundreds of years. What once was a country of thick, dense forests is now a shadow of its former self.

In continental Europe the average native tree cover stands at approximately 40% whereas in Ireland it languishes at just 1%! Another 9% of tree cover on the island comes from non-native trees, which unfortunately can actually negatively impact the land.

As a result the time to act is well and truly now and that’s why we’re delighted to partner with and support NuaTree in their efforts moving forward. 

Find Out More

We hope this partnership excites you as we’re extremely positive about our future plans! 

If you would like to find out more, or get involved in any way, there are a few options available. 

You can visit the official NuaTree website by clicking here or check out their Facebook and Twitter accounts to get the latest developments and updates.

You can also contact us whenever you’d like!


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