Emerald talking on Grindhouse Radio
Lyn appeared on Grindhouse Radio on Thursday 19th November

Go Green Saint Patrick's Day
Emerald Heritage was formed by Irish people and for the Irish people in response to the erosion of both Ireland’s landscape and aspects of the shared culture. Today, Emerald Heritage, is now calling on the global Irish family to ‘Go Green’ this St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2017 and turn Ireland into the Emerald Isle once again!

Did you know the Irish woodlands are in crisis?
The Emerald Isle has long been famed for her lush green fields and dense, magical forests. However, times have changed and now less than 1% of the island is covered in Irish native woodland!

Emerald Heritage feature on NY1 as the perfect "green" gift
Emerald Heritage were featured on a segment with Lindsay Roberts, NY1 News gift expert from as the perfect "green" gift for friends and family.

Conservation Industry Magaine
We were delighted to be featured for our work towards conservation of Irish land - read our editorial here!

Irish Gazette - September 2015
Emerald Heritage was featured in the popular Irish gazette - Own a piece of Irish homeland through Emerald Heritage

7 Gifts For Hardcore Game Of Thrones Fans Only
Admit it, it’s pretty hard waiting for Season 6 of Game of Thrones to arrive and put us and John Snow out of our misery. Our spare time has gone to good use with some much-needed retail therapy helping divert thoughts on the cliffhanger towards more pressing issues, like organising the next season premier party. Here we’ve found the very best GoT-themed merchandise for hardcore fans.

Business Eye - 10th August 2015
Emerald Heritage, a social enterprise based in the Glens of Antrim, has wowed the producers of two international travel programmes and earned a place on their list of the world’s most exciting tourism ideas.

Belfast News Letter - 8th August 2015
Emerald Heritage were mentioned in local press - Environmental strategy fuelled by tourism appeal

Daily Mirror 7th August 2015
Emerald Heritage were recently featured in the Daily Mirror for our work to save the Irish woodlands.

Good Morning Ulster - 7th August 2015
Radio Interview on BBC Radio Ulster - 7th August 2015

Belfast Live 6th August 2015
The global success of smash TV series Game of Thrones - much of which is filmed at locations throughout North Antrim - has led to a deluge of the show’s fans to the area. Plots of land in the Glens of Antrim are being snapped up as far afield as Puerto Rico and Canada - but don’t bother applying for planning permission.

Irish Sun 1st March 2015
€50 for a piece of Ireland size of a box - a conservationist is saving our countryside - by selling off the land one square foot at a time.

Emerald Heritage has recently featured on these websites
See a list of websites talking about Emerald Heritage; the perfect Irish gift for loved ones with treasured Irish connections.

The Irish News
Be!come a land owner for less than £30!

Belfast Telegraph
Our little corner of the magnificent Glens of Antrim in Ireland was reviewed in the Belfast Telegraph. It can be yours for only £28.99!