"To facilitate everyone to own their own little piece of Ireland, while playing a part in reforesting the Emerald Isle'
Formally you could call it our mission statement. Or put more simply this is at the very heart of what we hope to achieve with your help.
Emerald Heritage was formed by Irish people in response to the deep emotional wrench of generations of landless Irish who, often forced by eviction, starvation, unemployment and discrimination, had to leave their home to seek a better future across the globe.
Now they and their ancestors can, at last, own their own piece of The Emerald Isle. For many people this ownership of their own little piece of Ireland is a strong emotional statement that echoes across generations.
By buying a gift of their own plot of Ireland, legally held in perpetuity, Emerald Heritage not only facilitates thousands across the globe but this act of purchase also supports the reforestation of Ireland.
For an island famed for its sublime scenery and emerald hue it may come as a surprise to many to learn that Ireland is the least wooded country in Europe with just 1% of our native woodland remaining. Centuries of unchecked development has resulted in this sad statistic and unless something is done the landscape, together with the plants, birds, and animals that call it home, will be lost forever.
Emerald Heritage’s unwavering commitment to this goal led to the creation of the souvenir plot scheme in order to purchase land, initially, in the Glens Of Antrim.
It’s a cause we are confident will strike a chord with people the world over. The Great Famine and subsequent Diaspora may have cast Irish men and women to the four corners, but they carried in their hearts a love of the Old Country that has been passed down through the generations.
Each plot purchased saves this site forever to be planting in native woodland and acting as a link between two existing fragments of native woodland. However, in buying your plot, you will also be effecting change far beyond your plot this site, part of your purchase will support tree planting right across Ireland, which will contribute to carbon storage, protection of indigenous wildlife and production of sustainable timber from our woodlands long into the future.
We welcome you to join us, from Boston to Birmingham, Melbourne to Philly, own your own little piece of Ireland.