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17795 The Sperrins

5 Reasons Not to Visit Ireland

2019 is here!

It’s the final year of the decade and for many the arrival of a new year involves drawing up bucket lists of where to go and what to do over the year ahead.

For some of you, that might involve a trip to Ireland but we hope to convince you to stay put…

You’ll be Plagued by “the craic”

First on our list, “the craic”.

Ireland is riddled with an epidemic that’s seldom discussed yet everywhere you look, no matter if it’s in the city or countryside, there’s “craic” happening.

For the uninitiated out there, “craic” is simply an Irish word for good fun, good times and a great atmosphere and unfortunately that sort of behaviour can be found all over Ireland.

Whether you’re visiting friends, seeing the sights or relaxing with a drink, you can guarantee the craic will find you!

Too Many Beautiful Coastlines

Howth Head

There, we’ve said it!

Ireland has far too many beautiful coastal scenes and coastlines for one country… it’s greedy, and annoying.

Think about it. You’ve got the rugged beauty of the north coast Causeway Coastal Route, the untamed wonder of the Wild Atlantic Way in the west and serene and relaxing stillness of the east and the south.

Like we’ve said, far too much natural beauty for one country. The Emerald Isle should share the love instead of hogging it all!

Ps. How can you pick one great Instagram coastal shot when they all look good?!

Traditional Music Sessions Everywhere

Imagine it.

Almost every pub or bar you walk into on the Emerald Isle, no matter what night of the week, will have live music in the form of a band, traditional session or solo performer.

It’s horrible! We can think of nothing worse than sitting down to a perfect pint of Guinness and having to endure some incredibly talented local musicians and performers night after night…

The People are Too Approachable

There’s one thing we can absolutely guarantee in Ireland.

The people are far too friendly and approachable for modern travel.

Need directions? An Irish person will be happy to help. Want some local stories? You’ll never be able to shut them up!

Honestly, it’s never-ending and if you want a holiday without approachable, helpful people then look elsewhere. Ireland is not that place!

Ireland is Far Too Small

Finally, Ireland is tiny!

When you compare Ireland to other countries, or even certain states or regions of countries like USA, it seems absolutely minute!

Imagine being able to travel to each major city within a matter of hours. Or being able to see all the great sites and attractions within a matter of days?!

Imagine being no more than approximately 3 hours away from beautiful rugged coastline no matter where you are on the island!

Bring back miles of wasteland and hours of nothingness and travel! That’s what we say…

Ireland From Space Edit


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