Do You Allow Ashes To Be Scattered On The Land?
<p>Yes – many people are interested in scattering their loved one’s ashes there. Woods are nature’s cathedrals – they have a distinctive peaceful and spiritual feel, making them natural resting places.
We understand the desire to link your loved one with a such a special place forever, so if you wish to scatter their ashes, please feel free to do so. </p><p>Access to the site, along the main Coast Road, does not lend itself to parking traffic. Make sure your park off the road access the site on foot. Exercise common sense and care at all times. </p>
<p>However, for the sake of our woods and visitors please follow the guidelines below to ensure that the land is kept as natural as possible for everyone to enjoy:
Please be discreet. You can leave a very small biodegradable marker, ie small stone. Please do not leave silk flowers, casket, paper or plastic wrapping.<br />Please don’t:</p>
<ul><li>disturb the ground in any way</li><li>hold a formal ceremony (a small informal gathering is fine)</li><li>plant anything such as flowers, shrubs or bulbs.</li></ul>