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7 Gifts For Hardcore Game Of Thrones Fans Only

Admit it, it’s pretty hard waiting for Season 6 of Game of Thrones to arrive and put us and John Snow out of our misery. Our spare time has gone to good use with some much-needed retail therapy helping divert thoughts on the cliffhanger towards more pressing issues, like organising the next season premier party. Hand plucked from the wildest corners of the virtual world, we’ve found the very best GoT-themed merchandise for hardcore fans. Feel free to share and comment and let us know if we’ve missed any of your favourites.

1. A piece of Westeros

Not a map or photo, but an actual piece of the land that has doubles for the blood-soaked fields of Game of Thrones!! For just £30 GBP you can claim a plot in the stunning glens of Antrim where the show is largely filmed and, as an added bonus, you become an Irish landowner earning you the right to use the title of squireen.

Read the full list here on Buzzfeed

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